Translation Assignment..

  1. open-minded : berpandangan terbuka
  2. sugar-free : bebas gula
  3. self-serving : melayani diri-sendiri
  4. low-risk : berisiko rendah
  5. part-time : paruh waktu
  6. old-fashioned : kuno
  7. brand-new : baru
  8. last-minute : saat terakhir
  9. badly-written : buruk
  10. well-known : terkenal
  11. good-looking : rupawan
  12. off-duty : bebas kerja
  13. mid-term : jangka menengah
  14. left-handed : kidal
  15. long-distance : jarak jauh
  16. up-to-date : terkini, mutakhir
  17. less-qualified : kurang berkualitas
  18. time-saving : menghemat waktu
  19. navy-blue : biru laut
  20. baby-faced : lucu, imut

The definition of “Phrase” : A phrase is a group of words acting as a single part of speech and not containing both a subject and a verb. It is a part of a sentence, and does not express a complete thought.
  1. A large bucket of flower : seember besar bunga
  2. A wet and stinky dog : seekor anjing bau dan basah
  3. looking an up-to-date books : melihat buku-buku terbaru
  4. Walking in the rain : berjalan dalam hujan
  5. Don't be a naughty boy : jangan menjadi anak nakal
  6. As fast as possible : secepat mungkin
  7. On the street : dijalan
  8. My best friend's father : ayah teman baikku
  9. Go for an interview : pergi untuk sebuah wawancara
  10. Very surprisingly : sangat mengejutkan


a. Simple sentence : a group of words ( a sentence) with only one independent clause which contain one subject and one predicate.

1. I am cooking : aku memasak
2. The teacher taught : seorang guru mengajar
3. Lena practices violin everyday : Lena berlatih biola setiap hari
4. Mona refused her boyfriend : Mona menolak kekasihnya
5. Life is like riding a bicycle : hidup seperti menaiki sebuah sepeda
6. I got a beautiful surprise : aku mendapat sebuah kejutan cantik
7. Richi helping a blind-old man : Richi membantu seorang buta yang tua
8. my sister playing computer : adikku bermain komputer
9. Romeo take me to the garden : Romeo membawaku ke taman
10. Fatin buys me a book : Fatin membelikanku sebuah buku

b. Compound sentence : a group of words ( a sentence ) consists of two independent clauses related by coordinating conjunction. FANBOYS = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

1. I speak English, but my father speaks Javanesse :
Aku berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi ayahku berbicara dalam bahasa Jawa.

2. My sister sweeps the floor, and I wash the plate :
Adikku menyapu lantai, dan aku mencuci piring.

3. Jason played footbal, for Lea went shopping :
Jason bermain sepak bola, karena Lea pergi belanja.

4. It was a cold day in July, but I am still working :
Ini adalah hari yang dingin di bulan Juli, tapi aku tetap bekerja.

5. Jessica do not like neither chocolate, nor something sweet :
Jessica tidak suka baik coklat, maupun sesuatu yang manis.

6. Sara plays piano, and her mother listen seriously :
Sara memainkan piano, dan ibunya mendengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh.

7. You can ask to my my assisten, or you can call me :
kamu dapat meminta kepada asistenku, atau kamu dapat meneleponku.

8. The visitors complained about the heat, yet they continued play golf everyday :
Para pengunjung mengeluh tentang panas, namun mereka terus bermain golf setiap hari.

9. I forgeted didn't brought my homework, so I apologize to my teacher :
Aku lupa tidak membawa pekerjaan rumahku, jadi aku meminta maaf kepada guruku.

10. Lisa go for an interview, for she wish a better work :
Lisa pergi untuk sebuah wawancara, karena dia berharap pekerjaan yang lebih baik.

c. Complex sentence : a group of words ( a sentence ) consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses related by subordinating conjunction. Such as = after, altough, while, because, since, etc.

1. Ram went swimming altough it was raining :
Ram pergi berenang walaupun sedang hujan.

2. After warming up, Ula continue her exercise :
Setelah pemanasan, Ula melanjutkan latihannya.

3. Since he was born, he never see his father :
Sejak dia lahir, dia tidak pernah melihat ayahnya.

4. My boyfriend pick me up while I discuss with Sonya :
Pacarku menjemputku saat aku berdiskusi dengan Sonya.

5. The dog bit me because I was bothered :
Anjing itu menggigitku karena aku menggangunya.

6. Before she borrow that bag, she ask for permission first :
Sebelum dia meminjam tas itu, dia meminta ijin terlebih dahulu.

7. Though I am flexible, I draw the line about that :
Meskipun aku fleksibel, aku memberi batas tentang itu.

8. Until we find it, we can't go :
Sampai kita menemukannya, kita tidak bisa pergi.

9. I hadn't known who sang it eventhough I'd heard the song :
Aku tidak tahu siapa yang menyanyikannya meskipun aku pernah mendengar lagu itu.

10. You will pass the final examination as long as you study hard :
Kamu akan melewati ujian akhir selama kamu belajar dengan keras.
